When I first started my restaurant business, I was one of those many small business owners who wanted to cut cost and try to set-up and manage the vital function of bookkeeping and accounting on our own. It began to get out of hand very quickly and I was not able to focus on growing my business. My financial statements and other tasks were completed sporadically and there were piles of disorganized papers and invoices everywhere. Since hiring Darryll Bowes, our bookkeeping has been streamlined, our routine accounting tasks are managed on a predictable schedule with all the documents such as payroll remittance and HST remittance processed within the deadline. I’ve been with Darryll for more than 6 years. Just recently we were audited by the Ministry of Revenue RST department. Darryll prepared all the documents as requested by the auditor for the day of the audit. The auditor came in and then out of my restaurant as we passed the audit with a breeze. Thanks Darryll, and keep up the spectacular work you are doing.
Di Lim
Pho Mi Bo Ga Inc.